Maybe Procrastination is Actually Your Superpower…
Procrastination gets a bad rap, but what if stalling on projects is simply your way of working in the world? In this post, I share a defense of procrastination for procrastinators everywhere. If you often get things done at the very last minute, this post is for you.

Fighting Back Against Creativity Killers
Children are naturally curious, inspired and creative, but most adults…aren’t. What changed? Likely a well-meaning (or sometimes, unfortunately, a purposefully cruel) parent, teacher or loved one. Whatever the source of your murdered creativity, it’s time to take it back.

Write Your Story; Save the World.
The world needs more people sharing their authentic truth. Don’t let your fears prevent you from putting your work out there.

How Healing Your Inner Teen Can Improve Your Ability to Feel Everyday Magic
It’s time to let go of that angst and replace it with self-love and acceptance. Inner teenage healing can help.

The World Celebrates the End: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Twenty-One
Learn about The World, card twenty-one in the tarot deck’s major arcana, and how its presence can impact the cards around it, as seen in four tarot spreads.

Judgment Asks Us to Reconcile the Past: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Twenty
Learn about Judgment, card twenty in the tarot deck’s major arcana, and how its presence can impact the cards around it, as seen in four tarot spreads.

F*&% Feedback: The Case for Creative Confidence
Our need for feedback often becomes less motivating and increasingly paralyzing. Uncertain of our skills and gifts, we lack the confidence to fearlessly put our work out into the world. Feedback often becomes the space where self-doubt kills your creation before you had a chance to realize it.

Downfall, Danger, an Urgent Choice: The Three-Card Tarot Spread in “Nightmare Alley” Explained
Nightmare Alley, the latest movie by Guillermo del Toro, features a tarot reading. This three-card tarot spread includes The Tower, The Lovers and The Hanged Man, all cards in the tarot deck’s Major Arcana. Learn more about each card and the overall message in this post.

The Sun Asks Us to Radiate Joy: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Nineteen
Learn about The Sun, card nineteen in the tarot deck’s major arcana, and how its presence can impact the cards around it, as seen in four tarot spreads.

The Moon Governs Our Inner World: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Eighteen
Learn about The Moon, card eighteen in the tarot deck’s major arcana, and how its presence can impact the cards around it, as seen in four tarot spreads.

The Star Guides Us Toward Hope and Healing: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Seventeen
Learn about The Star, card seventeen in the tarot deck’s major arcana, and how its presence can impact the cards around it, as seen in four tarot spreads.

The Tower Tells Us to Destroy What Isn’t Working: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Sixteen
Learn about The Tower, card sixteen in the tarot deck’s major arcana, and how its presence can impact the cards around it, as seen in four tarot spreads.

The Devil Explains Our Relationship with Indulgence and Restraint: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Fifteen
Learn about The Devil, card fifteen in the tarot deck’s major arcana, and how its presence can impact the cards around it, as seen in four tarot spreads.

Temperance Helps Us Embrace The Middle Way: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Fourteen
Learn about Temperance, card fourteen in the tarot deck’s major arcana, and how its presence can impact the cards around it, as seen in four tarot spreads.

The Importance of Protecting Your Magic
Protecting your magic is an essential part of thriving in this world. Whenever someone or something tries to get you down, rain on your parade or take the wind out of your sails, tap into your survival stories to remind yourself how magical you really are.