The Star Guides Us Toward Hope and Healing: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Seventeen

The Star is the tarot card we love to see during trying times. It offers the reminder that this dark period is temporary, that there is, in fact, light at the end of the tunnel.

When appearing in the upright orientation, The Star is the guide that indicates we are entering the calm after the storm. She brings with her a message of hope, healing, inspiration and clarity. Amidst the rubble of the fallen Tower, we now have access to the tools that will enable us to rebuild for the better.

In reverse, The Star tells us that we’re still wallowing through our feelings of despair. The tragedy that has occurred previously is still impacting us in the present. We are gun shy, terrified, not yet ready to reconcile what was with what could be. The reversed Star signifies that we remain confused and distraught, miserable and disoriented. This is a moment where we struggle before we lock our attention on that distant light.

In the Major Arcana, The Star appears between two forces that lean toward shadow work and the things we keep below the surface. The Tower is the dark and destructive force that pushes us to revolt against the things that aren’t pulling their weight in our lives.

On the other side, The Moon guides us to examine what we can learn from our less-best selves. She knows that we are what we hide, as much as we are what we reveal.

The Star appears between them to give us pause, an opportunity to remind ourselves that all these challenging tasks have a purpose. We must not lose sight of what we’re trying to achieve at the end of the journey: Enlightenment, neutrality and a becoming of our wholest, most complete selves.

What follows are four general energy readings. These readings use tarot cards to give an overarching perspective about someone’s present circumstances. It is not meant to answer a specific question. The main purpose of this post is to show how The Star impacts and is impacted by the tarot cards around her. Each reading is written as if I am speaking directly to you.

One other thing to note: This blog post is written in conjunction with the Cup of Sugar tarot newsletter. While you do not need to receive the newsletter to understand the readings below, it will give greater context to the cards. If you’d like to sign up to receive the remaining newsletters in the series, you can do that here.

Spread 1: Happiness is Beckoning, Make the Decision to Hear its Call

This is a reading filled with good tidings. All the cards in the upright position, including The Star and The Sun, tell me that happiness, hopefulness and joy are on their way to you—if you’re not already delighting in their presence, that is.

When I look at this tarot spread, it tells me that you have everything you need to make your life exactly as you envision. The Star tells me you have the clarity and inspiration to foresee the future you want. The Sun says that you’re experiencing a period of optimism and contentment. This is empowering you better understand your worth and know that the world truly is your oyster. It’s OK to ask for what you desire.

The King of Wands is a clear indication that you’re ready to put your big plans into action. Dreams are not realized through casual imagining alone. At a certain point, you must be prepared to go to battle for these desires. The King tells me you’re ready to go the work. Your will is particularly strong right now. Use that to move things forward.

Meanwhile, the angsty and emotional Knight of Cups is here to remind you that it’s essential you avoid getting lost in the process. Check in with yourself regularly as you work to achieve your goals. Is this still what you want? Are you honoring your emotional world? The fire of the wands is balanced appropriately with the water of the cups. Bring both to your endeavors and know that you cannot lose.

Spread 2: Focus on Positive Growth, but Mind Your Thoughts

Have you ever been so focused on getting things to happen that you lose your mind a bit in the process? This might be your reality right now, based on the tarot cards in this reading. To start, this spread tells me that you’re firmly grounded in your earthly work. The Seven of Coins, in particular, says that what you nurture will grow. You’ve been diligently working toward your goals, and it is paying off.

The Star tells me that you’re clear on what you want. You know that things will work out as long as you maintain your concentration. Abundance is not passive. You’re willing to get your hands dirty, and you have been for some time now. The Star is also a sign that you’ve found serenity in the process. If there were challenges and disruptions to start, they have since been overcome.

Temperance here is a reminder that too much time spent on the ground can throw things off balance. The Middle Way is calling you to find the equanimity between working/achieving/acting and meditating/thinking/imagining. There’s a chance that inner chaos could derail your goals. Because Temperance is upright in this spread, it’s important to consider where moderation can help to create harmony between what you’re doing and what you’re thinking.

The reversed King of Swords is the card that tells me your mind is a bit messy. In the upright position, this card is a force for single-pointed focus. His thoughts are controlled, orderly, intentional. When he appears upside down, it is an indicator that we’ve stopped noticing our inner world. Right now, your projects are going well and producing the desired outcomes. They are growing in the right direction.

While it is good to be grounded, it’s not ideal to be earth-bound at the expense of your thoughts, ideas, inspirations. You lose your sense of creativity and imagination when you allow your mind to go in all directions. Take time to honor the ethereal. This is not wasted effort. It will help you continue the work to manifest your desires long into the future.

Spread 3: Your Current Unhappiness is Not Forever

This tarot spread indicates that you’re experiencing feelings of loss, disconnection, despair and disorientation. This is coming from all angles.

The reversed Two of Cups indicates you’re not feeling aligned with the people in your world. This is a shift for you. You used to feel a strong energetic flow between yourself and others, but this is not the case now. You feel entirely alone. It is particularly hard to join in the collective when you feel othered, even if you’re the one responsible for making yourself feel this way.

Similarly, the reversed Eight of Cups is a sign that you’re not sure where to turn. You’re not prepared to leave everything behind in order to find contentment, but you’re also not entirely sure that staying in the same place will do you any good. This push-pull of choices (none of which feel especially sexy) is wreaking havoc on your emotional state. Lean into the wildness of your feelings. Believe it or not, they will help you determine where you are called to go next. Things may get a bit worse before they start to improve.

Adding to your current state of darkness, is the reversed Star. It tells me that you feel far away from your own lightness. You know things feel out of whack, but that knowing has not led you to to any viable solutions. It’s OK to have lost your way. This experience is temporary. You need to be here a little longer, but there is a promising sign that it these difficult moments are happening for a reason.

Judgment is the tarot guide that teaches us reconciliation. When the going gets tough, Judgment arrives to help us understanding what these times are teaching us. There is a lot of hope and happiness in your future. You will soon encounter an opportunity to pull yourself out of the hole you’ve been digging. Do not let this chance pass you by. Learn the lessons you need to learn now, and run toward the future, lighter and wiser for your efforts.

Spread 4: Getting Lost in Your Inner World Means Losing Love, Too

Spending too much time alone again, aren’t we? In these COVID times, it can be tempting to continually hunker down and get lost in our inner world. The Hermit tells me that you’ve been navigating the deeper landscape of who you really are for a while.

You’ve likely uncovered some profound truths alongside some dismaying realities. We are all comprised of multifaceted characteristics, some of which we shine in the light, others that we push deeper into the darkness. This ethereal journey inward has been beneficial, but now it’s time to reenter the world of the living.

Why do I say this? Because the reversed Lovers tells me that you’ve begun to sacrifice connection with others for the opportunity to connect with yourself. Fostering a greater understanding of who you are is important. It can, however, prevent you from experiencing wholeness. The point of reflection is to learn not only about oneself. It is also designed to help us see how we are one with everyone and everything else. This helps us to heed The Lovers’ message to continually choose love and compassion, connection and understanding.

The reversed Star helps to confirm that this is what is going on for you. In this orientation, the Major Arcana’s seventeenth guide is an indication that you’ve lost sight of where you need to be. You feel disoriented. This confusion is what gives unhappiness the courage to come knocking. Your journey through your inner world has stopped being useful, as you’ve started to get overwhelmed by your many shadows. It is helpful to recognize this part of ourselves, but not at the expense of our joy.

The Knight of Wands wants you to know that it’s time to get moving. No more wallowing. You need to take control of your situation and pull yourself out of this depression. Call a friend, take yourself on a date, attend an event with other humans. You need some perspective, and that means making the effort to be with other humans (virtually or in person). The Knight can be a bit hot-headed, but at this point, you need a bit of fire to fuel you forward. Embrace his energy and see where it takes you. I think you’ll be thankful for the push.


The Moon Governs Our Inner World: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Eighteen


The Tower Tells Us to Destroy What Isn’t Working: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Sixteen