Temperance Helps Us Embrace The Middle Way: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Fourteen

Temperance is a card that speaks volumes about what it takes to create balance, pursue harmony and listen to the wisdom that lives within. It may sound simple. It’s harder than it seems. Temperance is here to help. We are wise to accept his guidance, but we’ll have to do the work ourselves.

One of the things that Temperance does well is indicate when we are out of whack. In his upright position, he is a force for moderation. He understands that there is always a place where energies in opposition can meet in the middle, that natural cycles prevail and that what goes around will come back again.

And yet, harmony is a state we can all create in our inner world, regardless of the external-world chaos. By examining our priorities and understanding our purpose, we stop letting our ego run the show. Our true needs reveal themselves in the silence that comes from cultivating a mindful, disciplined approach to self-exploration.

In reverse, Temperance shows us where we’ve allowed competing interests pull us away from our center. We cannot alchemize what we truly need when we’re distracted by desires that seem to be polar opposites. Our confusion is the direct result of our lack of awareness. When we feel forced to choose one thing over another, we often choose wrong.

To fully understand Temperance, it helps to see how the tarot card impacts and is impacted by other cards in a spread. This will become clear as you read through the four general energy readings below. A general energy reading uses tarot cards to give an overarching perspective about someone’s present circumstances. It is not meant to answer a specific question. I write the readings below as if I am speaking directly to you.

One other thing to note: This blog post is written in conjunction with the Cup of Sugar tarot newsletter. While you do not need to receive the newsletter to understand the readings below, it will give greater context to the cards. Basically, the newsletter is an extended version of the introduction above that also includes more information on how to read and connect with each tarot card. If you’d like to sign up to receive the remaining newsletters in the series, you can do that here.

Spread 1: Inner Harmony Helps Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Something in your world has you feeling unstable, and you’re losing your focus trying to put out fires. I get the sense that this spread is referring to a career that feels precarious, as the coins cards and the reversed Star are a good indicator that both your finances and your future opportunities feel like their hanging in the balance—and not in a good way.

Let’s focus on the financial aspect first. The Four of Coins tells me that you have more abundance at your disposal than you realize. Symbolically, you’re leaving your coins out in the cold. You have plenty of what you need, but your scarcity mindset makes you feel like it could be gone at any moment. I can assure you that these dollars will not be your last.

The inverted King of Coins is a sign that your present stinginess and wealth hoarding is likely the result of feeling ungrounded. You may be experiencing a situation that has you thinking you’re a pauper in king’s clothing—and you feel silly trying to fake it until you feel it. I think it’s time to cut the drama. It’s pulling your focus away from what matters.

The Star supports the messages of the coins and adds on. You’ve encountered a setback in your career, and it’s thrown you for a serious loop. You had your eye on a prize. Having lost the opportunity, you’re not knee deep down the rabbit hole of self-pity. Don’t let your pride prevent you from turning things around.

Temperance tells me that things will start to even themselves out soon. This has been a wake up call. Are you quiet enough to hear it? A better future will require you to pick up the pieces and move forward with the knowledge that patience is key. Reexamine your priorities. Your next steps will become clearer the moment you know what you really need.

Spread 2: That Moment When You Realize Your Thoughts are an Illusion…

This spread is interesting because it pits opposing forces against one another. The cards have found partners that mirror them, dismissing and exacerbating them at the same time.

The reversed Eight of Coins is indicative of poor discipline and achieving the bare minimum, while Temperance is all about mastering self-discipline and finding the space between doing nothing and doing the most. The reversed Nine of Swords tells me you’re aware that your misery and fears are all in your mind, while The Moon is asking you to lean into your illusions and explore your dark side.

While this might seem confusing, the opposing forces between the card pairs provide a clear message. You’re being pulled in many directions precisely because you haven’t yet figured out what balance would look like. Until you find that elusive middle way, you’ll continue to experience the ebbs and flows of the extremes.

The good news is that Temperance tells me you’re well on your way. In this position, the card is a sign that a harmonious resolution is near. That’s not an excuse to start slacking. Part of the reason why you’re having such a hard time right now is that you’ve let your intense emotions (The Moon) overwhelm you, leading you to a lack of discipline (reversed Eight of Coins) and self-doubt (reversed Nine of Swords).

Realizing that many of these thoughts are an illusion is not enough to help you find peace among the confusion. You need to be patient and stay the course. You’ll find your purpose the second you stop chasing every little desire that pops into your head.

Spread 3: Overcoming Inner Chaos with Outer Balance and a New Opportunity on the Horizon

Another marrying of opposing energies, Justice guides you to seek the balance that the reversed Temperance card fails to provide. Similarly, the reversed Hermit is content to stay in the familiar dark, just as the Eight of Wands beckons you toward the light dawning on a new horizon.

So, what does it all mean? How can both pairs be true at once? Well, consider that all things can be possible at the same time, and you’re well on your way to understanding the message here. Namely, what’s true on the inside is not always reflected outwardly (and vice versa).

Enough riddles. Justice and the Eight of Wands are an indication that your outer world is balanced. There are new opportunities ahead. You’ve got a lot of good things going for you.

The problem is that the reversed Temperance and The Hermit cards indicate that your inner world is in disarray. You feel out of balance, as if you can’t find peace between your many competing interests. I can also tell that this lack of focus is due to inattention.

You’re not assessing yourself honestly. You’re pretending you don’t see the things about yourself that are less than favorable, so you fail to grow and change. The rut you’re stuck in only exists because you refuse to do what needs to be done.

Take a break from your inner state to focus on all the good you have at your disposal. If you don’t begin doing the soul work that needs to be done, you’re going to lose what you’ve gained. Your outer world will inevitably begin to reflect your inner one. If you’re not careful that chaos inside will start to color your external circumstances.

This is your wakeup call. Do the work today, and avoid tipping the scales away from your favor. You have the opportunity to go in a bold new direction. Take it while you still can.

Spread 4: A Spiritual Awakening Focuses Your Attention, Thoughts and Emotions

What a beautiful spread to indicate that your struggles are nearly finished. While Temperance in reverse tells me that you’ve struggled to find moderation in a world filled to the brim with extremes, The Fountain is a sign that you’re integrating the lessons you’ve learned from your prior lack of self-discipline. It is a card that signifies you are aware of your true nature as a whole and perfect being. Your seeking is nearly finished.

The work you’re doing now will soon pay off. You’ll know you’ve arrived the moment you start to feel overwhelming peace and deep connection. The queen cards add to the story. Your journey to this harmonious state has required you to manifest and birth your reality through hard work (Queen of Coins) and emotional surrender (Queen of Cups).

These two queens also act as complementary forces. Earth (represented by coins) needs water (represented by cups) to thrive. Water needs earth to fill up and flow from. Said another way, you must be grounded to the earth in order to experience the intuitive messages that flow from the universe.

The guidance from this spread is simply to know that you are doing all the right things to find fulfilment. Remember that this is a journey and that obstacles will arise along the way. You have the tools to overcome them. You have two queens on your side, nurturing you to grow into the best version of yourself. Don’t get distracted. Stay the course.


The Devil Explains Our Relationship with Indulgence and Restraint: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Fifteen


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