Choosing Love with The Lovers: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Six

On The Fool’s journey to enlightenment, each Major Arcana guide provides wisdom, insights, clarity and warnings that arm this new-soul seeker with the information they need to make to the end of the adventure. The Fool learns from each guide, every time getting one step closer to neutrality, balance, present awareness and the limitless state of bliss.

The Lovers represents the sixth guide, a union of two energies into one harmonious vibration. This guide’s message can be interpreted literally as love, passion and romance, but that’s only a small piece of the puzzle. The Lovers archetype is quite robust. It addresses partnerships and relationships of all kinds, it indicates steps toward or away from love, it denotes the act of following our heart and trusting that the decision to do so is always the right one to make.

Another common interpretation of The Lovers is that it represents the unification of duality. Instead of being pulled apart into separateness, The Lovers embrace a magical union that results in peace, harmony, balance and deep connection.

In reverse, The Lovers transform from an indication of mutual desire toward one of mutually assured destruction. The Lovers bicker and fight, they mistrust one another and breed greater detachment. Far from being whole, they are divided, rigid and unable to find the cosmic bond that once brought them together. Upside down, The Lovers experience the painful sensations of love that’s been lost.

Keeping all this in mind, let’s explore how The Lovers impact the cards around them in a general energy reading. This blog post is written in conjunction with the 26-week tarot newsletter series and makes a lot more sense with some additional context. You can join us for the rest of the series by signing up for the newsletter here.

Spread 1: Promising New Partnership Requires Your Attention

In this spread, the first card that stands out is the upright Ace of Swords. Ace cards are indicative of new beginnings, the energy required to move things into action. Your head is in the right place, and you’re ready to push ahead.

The Lovers here indicates that a new partnership is likely to form. While this can mean many things—a marriage of ideas, a business collaboration, a new love interest—I get the sense that you’re being a bit protective with your feelings. You’re not sure about putting yourself out there and placing faith in something that hasn’t yet proven itself worthy of your trust. The card’s upright position indicates that your heart is in the right place. Pay attention to those messages within and know that following your heart’s lead is unlikely to guide you astray.

The Page of Cups here is significant. While page cards generally indicate a childlike energy, this card tells me that you’re conscientious of the need to approach this new partnership with childish wonder, curiosity and joy. You’re a little scared to take the leap, but there is so much potential around this budding relationship, that it would be wise to continue following your heart’s desire, the force that’s drawing you toward harmonious union.

As for the Five of Wands, this card encourages you to stand strong, pay attention to the desires that are vying for your attention and overcome any obstacles arise with passion and purpose. Don’t miss this chance to embrace something good, as the Ace indicates there is a short, bright window of opportunity. Act with confidence and embrace your desires.

Spread 2: Instability Creates Room for New Opportunities

The Page of Wands is hanging upside down again, and that’s a good indication that shenanigans are afoot. Perhaps your inner child is in chaos or you’re simply connecting with the overly dramatic energy of a an unruly child. Either way, you’re likely feeling a bit unstable right now. This indecisiveness is particularly inconvenient, as there is a big opportunity entering (or about to enter) your world.

The Queen of Wands comes to your rescue in this spread. She is here to provide motherly guidance to the unruly child. Lean into her warmth and generosity. A powerhouse in her own right, this queen will help you make things happen. She is often guided by instinct and is encouraging you to do the same. Lean into what your heart is telling you.

The Lovers is a indication that the duality you feel in your decision making is temporary. You will find a way to unite your opposing thoughts into a clear path forward. You have a choice before you, sure, but there is always a path that will transform you and one that keeps you small and stagnant. Confidently choose the former.

The Eight of Coins helps to solidify this message by adding that this new opportunity is likely related to your career and will most certainly result in abundance. There may be some additional coins that make this move worth your while, but the main wealth will be in moving toward mastery of your craft. Come to this offer with an openness to learn more. Leave the instability where it is. There’s something so much better just around the corner.

Spread 3: They’re Not That Into You (And Vice Versa)

The message of this spread is overwhelmingly about struggle, betrayal and the emotional volatility that comes from being at odds with someone you love. Look, the Three of Wands indicates that you’ve been putting in a lot of work and focused effort to make this relationship a success. It’s not for lack of trying that things are feeling disconnected, imbalanced and out of sync. It’s just that the way things are going, all the effort in the world won’t make a difference unless your partner starts to pick up some of the slack.

The reversed Queen of Cups represents feelings of helplessness. This situation feels oppressive and your emotions are seriously starting to drag you down. This depressive state is likely amplified by The Lovers in reverse. It can feel challenging to continually choose love when it’s not being reciprocated. There is more conflict than connection right now. Something significant needs to change in order for you and your partner to renew your once magical union.

The Six of Wands represents a betrayal. One or both of you feel stabbed in the back by the other’s actions. This could be as obvious as infidelity and as subtle as letting a long-ago argument remain unresolved to the point of festering. Either way, consider whether this partnership is worthy of your time and energy. Are you and your amour committed to transformation? To choosing love when it’s hard and inconvenient? To find your way back to one another?

As it stands, it might be worth considering cutting your losses and walking away. Not all great loves are meant to last a lifetime. Think about whether this relationship is worth your time and energy. Make the decision that creates peace in your heart.

Spread 4: Leave the Past Behind, Good Things are Coming

Can you feel the disconnect between your head and your heart? The Lovers reversed represent the kind of separateness that comes from feeling as if you cannot trust yourself to act in your own best interests. The good news in all of this? The dilemma you’ve created for yourself seems to be changing. You’re learning to follow your heart.

The reversed Four and Five of Coins make an interesting statement about this self mistrust. The Four tells me that you are aware of the abundance that’s around you, but you’re not attached to it. You’re generous with your wealth. You have a clear vision of how things should be. The Five indicates that you’re moving away from hardship. You see there are opportunities to create change, to move forward in a way that ensures your peace of mind.

The Eight of Coins gives some insights about what needs to happen in order for things to move in a positive new direction. A card of leaving the known behind to embrace new opportunities, you’ve found the fortitude you need to feel self-assured in your decision making. It takes humility and bravery to journey down a new path, but good things are coming. Continue to choose yourself and watch your world transform.


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