Sick of Horrible Parties? Hire a Tarot Reader!

What’s the worst party you’ve ever been to? For me, it was a housewarming party I attended solo, only to run into my ex-boyfriend’s cousin, chat with him awkwardly for an excruciatingly long time and have the host complain that I brought her a bottle of wine when I supposedly knew that she didn’t like wine. Zero stars. Would not recommend.

I find this particularly fascinating because, when you think about it, throwing a great party really shouldn’t be that hard. You supply delicious food and a robust selection of free booze, turn on the record player and let the event run its course. Provide some board games or encourage dancing if you think people need a push to get into party mode. I’d recommend just inviting people who know how to mingle without making it weird, but to each their own.

And yet, somehow, even with this simple formula for success, people still manage to screw it up. From holiday parties where you’re the only non-partnered attendee and corporate events where there are far too many speeches to celebrations that attempt to mesh friend groups that simply do not vibe, there are a variety of inspired ways to ruin a group of people’s good time. And once someone throws a single shitty party, you can bet that even their best friends are going to baulk before enduring another.

When you need to seriously remedy your reputation as host/hostess with the most/mostest, it’s time to call in the big guns. That’s when you hire a tarot reader to keep the festivities delightfully weird. Not convinced? Consider the following: No one (and I mean no one) can resist having their cards read.

It’s true. Even people who “don’t believe in tarot,” still want to see what happens, if only so they can make fun of the experience later. And the people who are interested are VERY interested. Their excitement alone will elevate the energy of any lackluster event. If you’ve ever been around someone who is “the life of the party” or “a total downer,” you know that one person can make all the difference in whether a party thrives or flounders. Good vibes matter. And tarot is a guaranteed good-vibes generator.

That’s not to say having a reader there won’t be a little awkward at first, but the right tarot professional knows how to break the ice. They’re also well-versed in the art of working the room by engaging people and drawing introverted guests outside their comfort zones. Regardless of how things started, once the cards come out, the good times roll. People are officially down to party.

All of this is to say, never leave your celebration’s fate to chance. Hire a tarot reader to ensure you’re never known as “the person who throws terrible parties.” Cup of Sugar offers these very services, and we would be beyond delighted to help you throw the kind of party people can’t stop talking about. Click here to inquire about having a tarot reader at your next event!


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