Tarot for Businessy Business People

Using the deck to connect to your intuition can help you get ahead.

Most people have a very distinct view of what they think they know about tarot. Perhaps they’ve heard of tarot or maybe they’ve gone so far as to have had a reading themselves. Regardless of where a person stands on the familiar-with-tarot spectrum, they tend to align on one thing: Tarot is a bit “woo woo.”

While I adamantly disagree, I understand why tarot has become notorious for its association with mystics, yoga teachers, psychics and so-called fortunetellers. The often-misguided media representation isn’t doing tarot any favors, but that too is only part of the story.

In my experience, the loudest supporters of tarot and its power to guide intuition are often the ones who make understanding the deck so convoluted and nonsensical that it’s little wonder that people are confused, dismissive and generally turned off.

Even those who are interested in learning more tend to be embarrassed. They mention their desire to understand tarot in hushed tones, as if that fact alone makes them a silly, unserious person. It doesn’t have to be complicated or emotionally charged. Let me explain:

Tarot is not a fortune-telling device. It’s not a pseudoscience or something to be believed in. It’s not a magical superpower reserved for the spiritually connected or a gateway drug to devil worship.

Tarot is simply a means of connecting to our individual powers of intuition and the universal consciousness that connects us all.

And anyone can do it. While certain people are better equipped to read tarot for others, every person who approaches the deck with curiosity and earnestness can learn how to use tarot to better access their own intuition and inner knowing.

Now, you may be wondering: How does this relate to thriving in the business world? Well, friends, that is actually pretty simple, too. You know all those people our society celebrates for their innovativeness, forward-thinking, boldness and plethora of accomplishments? Those people succeed because they are intuitive. They allow their inner wisdom to guide them to the right choices, decisions and money moves.

Sound crazy? That’s probably because few (if any) of these high-performing CEOs ever credits their intuition for their success. They likely suffer from the same complex that keeps people whispering about their interest in the tarot deck: They believe (perhaps rightly even) that saying they tapped into their intuitive powers would signal that they are delusional, unstable, eccentric in the bad way.

Instead, these wealthy and powerful individuals talk about their hard work, their early-morning meditation routines, their degrees and training certifications, their willingness to fail, their resilience, blah, blah, blah, blah. They list the buzzwords that our society is familiar with and accepting of in lieu of what’s really happening below the surface: intuition.

Look, this is not to say that privilege, education, rituals, resiliency and routines don’t matter. They absolutely do. But again, this is not the entire story. These successful entrepreneurs still have to make decisions every day. They must make tough choices and judgment calls. They take risks. And in order to do those things day in and day out, especially in absence of foresight or a previously paved path forward, these businessy business people absolutely use their intuition.

Here’s another tell: How many times have you heard successful businesspeople say they “had a gut feeling” about something or “felt called” to do something or “listened to their heart" or “had a little voice” telling them what to do? I’d say fairly often. Again, these are the culturally accepted ways of saying the same thing: I am intuitive. I used my intuition to guide me.

What does this have to do with tarot? Everything. Tarot is a fantastic means of helping people access their intuition—especially those who consider themselves to be disconnected from their natural state of inner knowing and wisdom.

Have you ever met a person who has said, “well, I’m just not intuitive”? Now you have something to say in response: Tarot is a perfect tool for remedying that outlook! Because if you learn nothing else from this post, please know this:

Every single person on this entire planet is intuitive.

We are all born as highly intuitive beings. Most of us turn off this connection to our inner knowing when we inevitably start to conform to society’s values and expectations. Intuition isn’t valued or fostered, so we focus on the things that are: hard work, education, gaining expertise through book learning and professional training. Sound familiar?

Our intuition, however, never goes away. It may hide or refuse to share its wisdom with us, but it’s still there. And it still pops up every so often to tell us who’s calling before we look at our phone or that it’s not wise to take the shortcut home. Once we understand that our intuition is still there, waiting to be cultivated, we can start the process of reconnecting with it.

That’s when the tarot deck is particularly helpful. Although there are many amazing ways to engage with our intuition, tarot is a great tool for beginners because it allows us to feel as if we’re connecting with forces outside ourselves—something we are far more comfortable with. When our intuition speaks through the cards, we can see a visual representation of what it’s saying to us.

As we learn the cards and the messages that speak through them, we begin to trust our ability to make decisions that are aligned with our best interests and guarantee our future success. Businessy business people take note: Far from being a silly game or an indicator of ignorance and naivety, tarot can easily translate into a way to get ahead by helping us listen more profoundly to our deepest, most authentic selves. And really, who wouldn’t want a little of that magic in their career, relationships and everyday life?

To learn more about tarot, intuition, and fostering your unique gifts and strengths, check out the upcoming How to Access Your Practical Magic course. This six-week course begins January 3, 2022. For more information, shoot me an email here.


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