The Hermit Asks Us to Explore Our Inner World: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Nine

In a time when our chaotic outer world is particularly frenzied, The Hermit offers a refreshing perspective. “Go within,” he says quietly. “Meet and befriend yourself—even the dark parts. Growth is the result of resolute introspection.”

The Major Arcana’s ninth guide on the path to enlightenment understands that our inner experiences create our “real world.” When we know ourselves fully, we are better positioned to find peace, act with clarity and forever seek our deepest truths.

The Hermit, often depicted as a wise man carrying an illuminated lantern, shines light into the darkness of our beings. He asks us to study what we find, regardless of whether we’re proud of what resides in the corners of our hearts, minds and souls.

Now is not the time to turn away, but rather to go deeper. Through fearless self-exploration, we can overcome our weaknesses and revel in our strengths. The Hermit sees the way we wear disguises and shy away from who we really are.

But the knowledge we hold within is sacred. Through calm, silent reflection, The Hermit helps us to gather our inner strength and self-trust. Firm with fortitude, we are empowered to stand tall against the external forces that seek to bully us away from our center.

Before we dive into the four general energy readings below, please note that this post was written as a complementary piece to the Cup of Sugar tarot newsletter series.

While subscribing to the newsletter is not required to understand the post, it will help provide additional information. You can sign up to receive the remaining newsletters in the series here.

Spread 1: See the Possibilities; Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

When you look within, you see hope. This is a rare quality in today’s world, and this trust in your future success is admirable. The Hermit tells me that you have spent a great deal of time trying to learn who you are on a deeper level.

This self-exploration has served you well. You understand the ways in which your internal attitudes, emotions and thoughts create your outer world. When things feel heavy or uncertain, you focus on what you can control: your reactions, your mindset, your next steps.

The reversed Five of Cups is an indicator that you’ve moved beyond feelings of depression, disappointment and clinging, at least for the moment. In this orientation, the card tells me that you’re excited about what’s to come. You see the possibilities very clearly, even if it will require time and effort to make them a reality.

There is still work to be done. The reversed King of Coins is a sign that your resolute mentality may not last. There is something that prevents you from receiving absolute abundance. Your finances may feel a bit shaky, and this has a tendency to throw you off balance. By continually coming back to your truth, you have an opportunity to remain grounded in times of upheaval.

The reversed Star is a call to keep your eyes on the prize. It’s rather easy to keep your inner world in order when things are going your way. This is less simple when things become uncertain.

You’re on the right track. Continue to go within and gather your courage to move beyond your fears. Note the times when you turn away from the light.

Your shadow qualities are not the problem, but they will revolt when left ignored. Instead, understand their limitations and use them to your advantage. Despite some initial turmoil, good things are coming, but you must be prepared to receive them when they arrive.

Spread 2: Harmony Exists on the Other Side of Fear

This spread has an interesting juxtaposition that makes the message very clear. On the other side of your imagined fears (Nine of Swords) exists harmony, balance and emotional fulfillment (Ten of Cups).

You are being drawn toward personal truth-seeking and inner peace (The Hermit as your higher self), but fiery childlike energy is overwhelming you in a way that makes you feel unstable (reversed Page of Wands as your lower self).

So, how does one find balance when pulled in all directions? By continually returning to the center. I get the feeling that the fears and concerns you’re experiencing are the result of your ongoing self-exploration and shadow work.

Now, keep in mind, that you may be doing this work somewhat unconsciously, by simply noticing the things you don’t love about yourself and trying to understand more about where these characteristics and tendencies. The Hermit leads me to believe that this is more of a focused effort to seek greater clarity.

Spread 3: You Are Not Lost; Growth Can Be Heartbreaking, Too

The first thing I feel from this spread is loneliness. Three solitary men work alone in the interest of growth and greater understanding. The Seven of Coins gets his hands dirty, diving right into the task at hand. He is patient. He knows that success requires diligence, nurturing and care. He is content to allow things to thrive in their own time.

The Hierophant is the external world’s knowledge keeper. He understands the traditions and practices that build the foundation for future creativity and innovation. He continues to share his insights, helping you to access your moral compass in times of uncertainty. An old-school teacher, he will dig his heels in when you’re at risk of obscuring your truth.

The Hermit here signifies that you’re hiding. In reverse, he is indicative of what happens when we’ve worn a disguise for so long, we can hardly remember who we really are. You may feel hopelessly lost at the moment. Both The Hermit and The Hierophant are calling you back to your center.

The work the Seven of Coins is doing is difficult, and you’ve grown impatient with the progress thus far. The Hermit warns you not to default to hastiness. He asks you to consider where you’re unwilling to change the behaviors that hold you back.

The Three of Swords indicates that making such changes is likely to feel like being stabbed in the heart. You’ve betrayed yourself for so long, that this burden feels heavier than you can bear. But you are strong and powerful. You can find your way back, as soon as you commit to seeking the wisdom within.

Spread 4: Unfocused Action Means Wasted Effort Every Time

You know that feeling when you try your absolute best to make things work, but instead of flowing seamlessly, you feel as if you keep hitting your head against the wall? The numerous obstacles you’re encountering right now are the result of passionate efforts aimed in the wrong direction. You have the determination to succeed, but your focus is missing the mark.

The Three of Wands is an indication that you’ve been putting time, energy and effort into a project or relationship you’d like to succeed. You feel very strongly that this is the way to go. But for every spark of positive forward progress, there are many (many) steps back.

The Hermit in reverse tells me that you’re not examining your motivations with care. You can make all the right moves, but without your attention directed clearly at the goal, you won’t get very far. In this position, The Hermit is asking you to consider where you’re neglecting your needs, your desires, your truth.

Similarly, the reversed Six of Swords is a sign you’ve turned away from the people who are best poised to help you. Leaving things in the past can be helpful for finding a new way forward, but journeying into the unknown without a plan is sure to create more chaos than calm.

The reversed Ten of Swords indicate that you’re acting carelessly when it would be best to surrender to the circumstances. Now is the time to go with the flow. Until you can get your disorganized mind in order, any action will thwart your plans again and again.


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