The Emperor is the Tarot Deck’s World’s Best Dad: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Four

If there were a Big Dad Energy, I imagine The Emperor would be all about it. And there kind of is, isn’t there? It’s made up of equal parts fatherly advice, paternal love, provider vibes and dad jokes. The aesthetic is “man”dles with tube socks in a workshop that’s really just a few shelves in the garage. He rules his kingdom, alright, but he’s also weirdly confident in situations at other people’s kingdoms when he has absolutely no right to be.

He’s a planner, a doer, a go-getter, an authority figure whether you need his help or not. The Emperor is the dad that has your back. He knows how to fix everything, even if that means it ends up with a tad more duck tape than you feel comfortable with. He loves you. Really. No matter what. …He just loves you a little more when you aren’t half-assing your entire life.

You get it. He’s great but also a bit much sometimes. In the tarot deck, he arrives whenever you need a little push to act, some guidance in order to lead or a boost of self-assuredness to let you know you’re headed in the right direction. In reverse orientation, he can be overbearing, lawless, a creator of chaos and discord. His “father-knows-best” attitude is a little more trying when he’s heels over head. The masculine power he brings to the deck works both ways.

In the following spreads, we’ll explore how The Emperor archetype impacts and is impacted by the cards around him. These general energy readings are meant to give an overall picture of what might be going on. They are not intended to answer a specific question. I’ve written the analysis below each spread as if I am speaking directly to you. Enjoy the universe’s wisdom!


Spread 1: Release Confusion, You Have Everything You Need to Act.

This spread is immediately interesting because The Emperor and The Empress appear together, indicating a beautiful balance between the divine masculine and divine feminine energy. This tells me that you are coming from a place of feeling balanced and fulfilled. You know how to plant seeds, nourish them and help them grow to their full potential. You have a clear vision of what you need and desire, as well as a well-considered plan of action that you feel equipped to put into motion.

The Eight of Coins supports this view, and clarifies the message a bit. This card is primarily one of transitioning from apprentice to master, which means this spread is likely referring to a career change, professional project or some other creative endeavor. Know that you have learned all you need to from your craft. You have perfected a skill, and now, armed with a full confidence in your abilities, you create for the pure joy of bringing something to fruition. Both The Emperor and the Eight of Coins depict a man focusing on something above him, which tells me that you have big goals in front of you. Based on these two cards, I also see that you’re ready to make them a reality.

The reversed Three of Swords is the one caveat here. This card of putting yourself out there, only to get rejected, tells me that you have a tendency to overintellectualize and create confusion in your own mind. The reverse orientation, however, means you aren’t likely to suffer a devastating heartbreak from moving your plans forward.

Alternatively, the worst that will happen here is that you’ll simply obfuscate the situation to the point of missing out on some magically divine timing. Should this happen, it’s not likely to get you down for long. With conscious introspection and a mindful plan to execute, you’ll have the tools to adjust successfully to new conditions.

But the real question is why wait and continue to wallow in this mental turmoil? Release these nagging feelings of inadequacy and ill-preparedness. You have everything you need to achieve your goals.


Spread 2: Prepped and Ready, Your Success is Inevitable.

Another great and uplifting spread! Here, The Emperor is supported by The King of Swords. These two leaders are very adept at focusing their energy and thoughts toward a specific goal. They are confident in what they bring to the table because they put in the work to feel prepared. When these two cards are aligned as they are here, it tells me that you are ready to execute your plan and see your vision come to life.

Temperance is helpful to note here, too. In his upright position, the card is all about patience, inner listening and balancing needs with desires. He is the card that promotes the idea that all things are possible, even when they seem to be in conflict. With your sharp mind and powerful vision, you will be able to find an equilibrium between any opposing forces.

The Ten of Swords is a card of surrender. Once all the prep work is finished and the plan is put in motion, this card encourages you to release your control over the result. You have done all you can. Resist the urge to meddle and change things. Your success feels inevitable, but ultimately, you must have confidence in the process. Any and all consequences from these actions are outside of your control.


Spread 3: Mental and Emotional Chaos Results in Tenuous Wins.

It’s a matter-over-mind-type situation in this spread, and you’re likely feeling quite lost. The Emperor feels outside of his power in this position. He is too in his head, away from his body. This lack of control is so uncomfortable, in fact, that he’s likely to lash out with anger and misplaced aggression. I get the sense that whether you’re in temper-tantrum mode or not, you fully understand that vibe right now.

The reversed King of Cups supports this perspective on the situation. Usually a calming force amidst the waves that threaten to send him off balance, in reverse, he is overwhelmed by emotions, both his own and those of people in his world. You feel very opposed right now. Energetically, this has become exhausting, especially since you’re not in a place to be able to think your way out of the situation. Like The Emperor, you’re feeling boxed in.

The Two of Wands and Five of Swords provide additional context. The precarious balance of the Two card is mirrored with the teetering stilts in the Five. You may be managing right now, but that foundation is shaky at best. The Two of Wands tells me that you have a choice to make. Because your thoughts and emotions are in disarray, you’re struggling to see the options clearly. Luckily, you have two great opportunities before you. You’re likely to win either way you go.

The Five of Swords, however, cautions against winning at all costs. One choice will be good for you and for the people you love. The other is likely to alienate people because it enables you to profit or succeed at another person’s expense. You have the option to win honorably or not. Notice where you may be motivated to choose a path out of spite or opt to bring others down through humiliation, manipulation or bullying. Choose the higher ground, and you’ll find your thoughts and emotions regain their precision and focus.


Spread 4: Clinging Prevents Closure, Trapping You in the Rat Race

Welp, things have gone pretty sideways on this one. The Emperor and The King of Coins are both reversed, which likely means you’re completely ungrounded and struggling to find stability in your thoughts and finances. Both father figures, these two cards get seriously grumpy when they feel powerless and unable to execute on their plans. Do you feel like lashing out? Maybe as if frustration is bubbling dangerously below the surface? I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that.

The Ten of Cups in reverse tells me that you were hoping that something would be over by now. A relationship? A project? A living situation? Whatever it may be, the fact that its lingering is throwing you for a loop. The Death card means this “something” needs to die. It is long past the point of nourishing you or helping you grow. You know that you must release it, but I also get the sense that your feelings of instability have prompted you to cling to it even tighter.

The imagery that’s coming to me is a person standing on one leg. It may feel as if letting go would be comparable to some jerk kicking your leg out form underneath you, but it’s really quite the opposite. Releasing this burden will enable you to put your second foot down. It is an act that’s necessary for you to feel like you’re able to stand firmly on sold ground.

Perhaps this is easier said than done because you feel like the something you must release has been a failure. You might be thinking that if you just put more energy, work and willpower into it, it will succeed and balance will be restored. This will never be the case. Let it go and notice how quickly you stop spinning your wheels.


The Hierophant is the Tarot Deck’s Spiritual Advisor: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Five


The Empress as the Tarot Deck’s Mom: A Look at the Impact of Major Arcana Card Three